Crescent Park
Riverside, R.I. 1886~1979

There are many pictures on this page ... grouped by years or topic. Please make sure you scroll the entire page to see all the pictures. By clicking on any one picture in a group, you will start a slideshow for the pictures in that group. If you have any photos, postcards, or videos to share on the site please send them to the Site Adminstrator.
The Simmons Collection (part 1) - All from 1963 (Photos courtesy of RAY SIMMONS)
Please do not use, copy or share these photos without Mr. Simmons' permission.

The Simmons Collection (part 2) (Photos courtesy of RAY SIMMONS)
Please do not use, copy or share these photos without Mr. Simmons' permission.

The Simmons Collection (part 3) (Photos courtesy of RAY SIMMONS)
Please do not use, copy or share these photos without Mr. Simmons' permission.

Ed Swerowik, Andy Fales, Bob Sharky Stevenson


Original Carousel on Beach with George Boyden

Earliest known photo of the Carousel, before the cupola was added in 1898

Looff Family in Front of Carousel 1900

Charles I.D. Looff and Family sitting on his Showcase Carousel at Crescent Park - Early 1900s

Crescent Park Hotel 1890s

Hotel and Lawn about 1899

On the Lawn at Crescent Park 1890s

Band Stand - Currently Larisa Park

Crescent Park Railroad Station

Midway early 1900s

Toboggan Slide 1905

Back of the Chutes Ride

Back of the Chutes

Hand Engine Firemens 1890s

Enterance to Roller Coaster 1920

Dance Hall - Later became the Alhambra Ballroom

Original Coaster Postcard

1895 Crescent Park Trolley in Downtown Providence

Crescent Park Trolley c1910

Original Midway Facade at Crescent Park

Exposition Hall at Crescent Park c.1900

Steeple Chase in 1906 at Crescent Park RI

Midway c.1918

Allan Carlson (Lifelong Riverside Resident) and his parents at Crescent Park 1917

Photo taken in the Crescent Park "Wagon"

Unknown Family Photo at Crescent Park 1921

Unknown Women in the Crescent Park Boat Photo Booth

Midway 1920

Crescent Park Bandstand 1900

Old view of Park from what is not Crescent View Avenue

Women at Crescent Park 1914

Top of the Midway 1915 (pole in the center is where Bullocks Pt. Avenue is today)

Miniature Railway c. 1920

Hippodrome - One of the 1st attractions at the Park

Flying Eagle Ride - Check out the guys pulling the ropes to make it go

Rivers of Venice and Midway c. 1900

Amusement Street c.1900

Dance Hall and Miniature Railroad c. 1905

Midway crows with Bamboo Slide in Background

One of the first pictures of the Bamboo Slide

Bamboo Slide before the lettering was placed on the attraction

Bamboo Slide and Alhambra Dance Hall

Another Bamboo Slide Postcard Image

Top of the Midway in 1911

Tickler 1905

Chute the Shoots 1908

Ladies by the side of the Shooting the Chutes ride 1899

Another Early Shoot the Chutes Photo

Rare Shooting the Chutes Photo... look at the speed of that boat!

Shoot the Chutes

Midway 1911
Beach, Boats, & the Pier

Ferry and Crescent Park Pier in 1886, the year the Park opened

Crescent Park Boat Ferry in Providence RI c.1905

Folks arriving at Crescent Park Pier via Ferry Boat c. 1905

Folks in Pawtuxet (Cranston) boarding the ferry boat to Crescent Park

Crowded Pier at Crescent Park

Crescent Park Pier

Crescent Park Pier with Dance Hall, Hotel and Original Carousel

Boating at Crescent Park Beach c1910

Crescent Park Beach looking down toward the Terrace section of Riverside

Postcard of Crescent Park Pier and Hotel in the background

Boats docked at Crescent Park Pier Postcard 1890s

Crescent Park Beach c. 1910

Boat Rides from the Crescent Park Pier

Looff's New Crescent Beach

Steamboat Landing at Crescent Park

Steamboat Landing at Crescent Park 1916

Harrington's Crescent Park Beach

Crescent Park Beach looking down toward The Terrace

Boat Landing

To the Bathhouses

1954 Hurricane Aftermath

1890s Photo of ship an Pier. Notice original beach Carousel in background.

Visit the Skating Rink

Crescent Park from the Water


Original "Comet" Coaster (The BIG ONE)

Inside of Crescent Park Fun House 1930

Family Photo at Crescent Park 1924


1954 Aerial view of Crescent Park and the Zephyr Coaster

Pony Track at Crescent Park

Pony Track Boys at Crescent Park RI

"Pickles" was one of the star ponies at Crescent Park in the early 1950s

Lenny Carlson at the Crescent Park Pony Barn

Midway about 1930

Crescent Park Bandstand from 1940s/1950s

Aerial Image from 1940s showing walking bridge from the back of the park over to Haines Park in Barrington

Fakir's Row (part of Midway) Crescent Park, RI

Lenny Carlson in front of the Carousel 1948

Crescent Park Roller Rink c.1950

Inside of Crescent Park Roller RInk

Skaters at the Crescent Park Roller Rink 1950s

Crescent Park Roller Rink and Skaters 1950

George Murdock and Partner - Crescent Park Roller Rink

Crescent Park Skater 1950s

George Murdock & Partner

Joe Carlson & Partner

Skating Pair at Crescent Park 1950s

Roller Stake Shop at Crescent Park

Skating Pair at Crescent Park

Graceful Skater at Crescent Park

Charlie Kronson - Crescent Park Roller Rink Manager 1940s-1950s

Skaters competing at the Crescent Park Roller Rink c.1950

Crescent Park Lady Skaters from the 1950s

Photo taken from a Rider on the Satellite looking down on the Midway 1950s

The Satellite on the Midway

Eddy Zack Band and Charlie Kimmence at Crescent Park

Eddy Zack Band and Charlie Kimmence at Crescent Park

Original "Comet" Coaster from the 1930s

The Roller Coaster

The Crescent Park Coaster around 1930

The Zephyr Coaster

Top of the Zephyr Coaster 1950s

Crescent Park Sign

Midway 1950s - Check out the water fountain in the foreground... we called it a 'BUBBLA'

Police car in front of the Zephyr Coaster 1958

Charlie Hall of the EPPD at Crescent Park 1959

Penny Arcade next to the Carousel

The great Penny Arcade on the Midway

Doll Game Stand

Bubble Bounce and Ferris Wheel Rides 1950s

Postcard of Crescent Park Beach

Beverly & Shirley Gregory in C.P. Photo Booth c.1950

The Whip - Excluding the Carousel, this ride was the longest running ride in Park history

Aerial Shot of Crescent Park 1950s

Silver Streak Ride - 1950s

Silver Streak Ride

Dodgem and Tango on the Midway

Crescent Park Business Office 1950s

Shore Dinner Postcard from the 1950s/60s - Cost $3.75

Aerial View c1958

Guys at the Carousel late 1950s

Midway 1950s

McCusker's Popcorn Stand 1950s

Having Fun at Crescent Park 1930s?

The Incline of the FLYING FISH

Young rider in one of the Flying Fish cars

Angelo and Rio in from the Flying Fish

My favorite Picture of the Park... From the top of the Ferris Wheel overlooking my favorite rides

Flying Tigers and Concessions

Carousel Crew in the late 1960s

Palm Reading

McCusker's Pop Corn & Salt Water Taffy 1960

Play Your Month Game

Midway late 1960s

Joe Kadan running the Carousel


Midway Concessions at Night ~ Late 1960s

Midway 1960s

Kiddie Land - Police Car Ride - 1966 (Yup, that's me in the Police Car)

Kiddie Land - Flying Saucer Ride - 1966

Kiddie Carousel 1966

Kiddie Land Boats 1966

Kidde Train 1961

Peggy Rochette watching son Lenny on the Clown Cars in Kiddie Land 1961

Peggy Rochette and son Lenny on the Midway 1961

Kiddie Land 1961

All aboard the Crescent Park R.R.

Leaving IRON HORSE STATION for a train ride

The Whip

Kiddie Land 1966

Games on the Midway 1960s

Ray Rusin 1969 in the Carousel

Ring Master 1969

Carousel Operator 1969

Bob Newman running the Carousel 1960s

Ticket Booth inside Carousel

Ferris Wheel Operator 1969

The Dodgem (or Bumper Cars) in 1969 - Can't you still smell the mix of electricity and burnt rubber? ahhhh the memories!

Girls strolling the Midway 1969

Fish Game 1969

Crescent Inn c. 1960

Back Parking Lot of Crescent Park as seen from Crescent View Avenue

Don Gregory (my dad) directing traffic on Bullocks Pt. Avenue for entry into the Park

Aerial View of Crescent Park 1960s

Top of the Ferris Wheel View looking at the Terrace

Giant Slide at Night 1967

Bottom of the Giant Slide (aka "Sack Slide")

Looking up the Pier (Shore Dinner Hall on the left)

Carousel Crew from the late 1960s

Midway with Scrambler and Tilt-A-Whirl in Background

Sky Rider 1960s

Sky Rider 1969

Comet Coaster (last coaster at the park)

Shore Dinner Hall Staff

Shore Dinner Hall Kitchen

Midway in the 1960s

Alhambra Ballroom - What a dance floor!!

Colonade Lounge at Crescent Park 1960s

Aerial View of Crescent Park 1960s
Alhambra, Midway & Shore Dinner Hall Fires (Photos courtesy of Riverside's own: CHARLIE HALL)
Please do not copy or share these photos without Mr. Hall's permission.

The most popular ride at Crescent Park in the 1960s and 1970s: THE FLYING FISH

Riders descending in the FLYING FISH (a wild-mouse type coaster)

Another Flying Fish Photo

Vic "The Boss" in the Kiddie Land

Jingles the Clown (George Richards) and Vic "The Boss"

Inside the game room of Fascination looking across at the Penny Arcade

The Bullocks Point Village Apartments being built across from Kiddie Land

Cookout at the Crescent Park Stage (across from the Shore Dinner Hall)

Cookout at the Stage

Shore Dinner Hall Crew Members

Ticket Booth

Fascination Game Caller

The Swamp at Crescent Park

Shore Dinner Hall from the Beach

Sippy Ramos in the Penny Arcade

Dodgem on the Midway

Ring Toss Clown in the Carousel with the famous "Camel" in front

River Boat Ride (aka "Riding Dark House")

River Boat Ride

Western Hotel (aka "The Walk-In Dark House")

Native American scene as viewed from the Train ride or the Westward Ho ride

Crescent Park R.R. Train

The Great ALHAMBRA BALLROOM goes up in Flames

Fire Trucks arriving for Midway Fire in 1980s

EPFD Firefighters Battling Midway Fire

Midway Fire

Midway Fire with Firefighter battling the blaze

Shore Dinner Hall Fire

Shore Dinner Hall Fire

Midway Fire

Shore Dinner Hall Fire

Shore Dinner Hall Fire

What an Inferno

Shore Dinner Hall fully engulfed

Shore Dinner Hall Ablaze

1980-Present Day

Sad Day: 1979 Crescent Park Closed

1979 Crescent Park Closed

Carousel Closed in 1980

The remains of the Sky Rider stands silent in a closed Crescent Park

Dodgem Cas Sit in Ruins 1980s

The Comet Coaster sits in ruins - Early 1980s

The Turbo and Silo site idle as the park was closed by the time of this photo: 1980

A closed midway in the early 1980s (just before the midway fire)

1980 - Park Closed - Rear of Skating Rink, Penny Arcade, Go-Kart Track, & Carousel

Rider reaches for the Brass Ring at the Crescent Park Carousel 1999

Looff's Gorgeous Centerpiece of Our Great Carousel

Governor & Mrs. Almond Ride the Carousel in the 1990s

Britney & Allison ride one of the Carousel Chariots in 2000

On the National Historic Register - The Looff Carousel at Crescent Park at Twilight (2013)